5 Ways People Screw Up AJAX
I had noticed that not many articles existed on the negative aspects/implementation of ajax so came up with this top 5 list of things people screw up when using ajax.
1. No back button!:
One of the most annoying things to a user is the inability to go backwards. They may visit a site,
perform a few searches and want to go back 2 searches before. Some sites utilizing ajax make the
simple task of going back extremely difficult and end up bringing the user back to the initial page
they clicked on to go to the site function, thereby removing the user's history.
2. No more links:
As mentioned in item 4 if people can't find your site or a specific section of it you'll lose traffic.
Poor implementations fetching all content dynamically via ajax requests do not allow the user to
get a web link they can forward along or bookmark.
3. Over complication when it isn't needed
As with other technologies things can get more complicated than is really needed and people can get excited
when a new technology comes out. Do you really need to ajaxify your contact form?
4. Removing site indexability:
Depending on how your dynamic content is implemented web spiders may have a hard time finding all of the content
available on your site. This can happen when content is stored in a DB only accessible via AJAX and web service calls.
If a crawler can't obtain your content, how are users supposed to find it?
5. Web Server connections increase:
One of the advantages is that ajax receives tiny responses when compared to large responses typically
associated with classic web browsing. While this may reduce some bandwidth it may also fill up web server
max connections and require a retweaking of your server, or worst case throwing in more hardware when
implemented poorly. I'm not stating this is the case for most ajax implementations by any means, however
more requests (either via polling or direct user requests) equals more connections on average per user which
depending on your userbase can really add up.
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