New security breach revealed: Los Alamos National Labs
"Reports of a major breach of security involving the board of directors
of the corporation managing Los Alamos National Laboratory came to
light Thursday.
The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee that
oversees the nuclear complex wrote to Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman
citing information obtained by committee staff from sources outside the
The letter expressed concern that information about the
breach, reported on Jan. 19, 2007, was withheld from the committee,
despite two subcommittee hearings that were held in the meantime for
the express purpose of investigating security practices at LANL.
Largely because of a series of security problems in the past,
the contracts for LANL and its sister laboratory Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory were put out to bid. LANL's contract was awarded to
Los Alamos National Security, (LANS), LLC, and they assumed
responsibility on June 1, 2006.
"Apparently, open e-mail networks were used by several LANS
officials to share classified information relating to the
characteristics of nuclear material in nuclear weapons,"
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